[CAVO] Open Election Data Initiative

Brent Turner turnerbrentm at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 16:34:48 UTC 2015

This is interesting as an explanatory glimpse behind the NDI curtain.  CAVO
advisory  board member Alec Bash and I met with NDI months back to give
them CAVO info.  They mentioned they had no interest in US elections but
appreciated our work.   Now silence.

It looks as though the OSET open wash crew has managed entry ( via Google )
here. Hopefully you can push further--  Please post further regarding best
methods of assistance.

Oh the webs..

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 8:04 AM, David RR Webber (XML) <david at drrw.info>

> Hmmmm. No mention of OASIS EML - or alignment to public data standards
> :-(
> So this is a half baked pie...
> June 29, 2015
> NDI launched a global initiative this week to ensure that voters and
> citizen groups have access to detailed election data that will give a true
> picture of an entire election process, including how candidates are
> certified, how and which voters are registered, what happens on election
> day and how complaints are resolved.
> While election data should be owned by citizens, access to the information
> varies widely from country to country. When it is made available, the data
> is frequently released in formats that make it difficult to use.
> The Open Election Data Initiative, openelectiondata.net
> <http://openelectiondata.net/en/>, supported by Google, adapts open data
> principles that were designed to enhance government transparency in other
> areas, such as service delivery, to elections. The initiative encourages
> governments to be more accountable and citizens to take a more
> participatory role.
> (continued at <https://www.ndi.org/open-election-data-launch-story>
> https://www.ndi.org/open-election-data-launch-story)
> At https://www.ndi.org/open-election-data-launch-story are descriptions
> of the categories of election processes that the system collects data on,
> including EMB administration, EMB processes etc.
> Especially note section on "e-voting" at
> <http://www.openelectiondata.net/en/guide/key-categories/electronic-voting/>
> http://www.openelectiondata.net/en/guide/key-categories/electronic-voting/
> See also <http://www.openelectiondata.net/en/guide/electoral-integrity/>
> http://www.openelectiondata.net/en/guide/electoral-integrity/
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